licensing vısuos™

get ahead of your competitors - now!


    phase1     phase1     phase1    
    i am looking for a serious player who is interested in licensing one or multiple modules of vısuos™.

at this point of time i can still offer *exclusive* rights!
    in general exclusive or non-exclusive licenses are thinkable - either on single modules or the complete suite including
vısuos·search™, vısuos·space™,
vısuos·linkmanager™, and vısuos·flow™.
    depending on demand and negotiations exclusive or shared licenses are handed over to the selected licensee(s).    


licensing requests




author's homepage

for licensing requests - either single modules or the complete vısuos™ concept please contact:

  for all other requests and questions please contact:

for more information on the author -
dr. clemens lango - please visit:






press packs



  for press packs please contact the address below.
please don't forget to give a short information on your publication/site and include a description what you would like to receive.




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vısuos™ & the vısuos logo are trademarks of & vısuos concept (c) by dr. clemens lango
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