
the visual way to eye the web
vısuos™ is an innovative, full featured operating software concept with modules for visual search, storage, and retrieval.
it empowers the user to understand search results leading him faster to the desired content.
vısuos™ elevates search from text to visual
like operating systems elevated from command line to the desktop in the 1980s.
user interface gallery


licensing/press material
if you are interested in licensing vısuos™ or need press material for writing an article please contact dr. clemens lango:


article in "intelligent decision technologies"
international journal, special issue on knowledge visualization
published by IOS press
read the article (pdf 3,4MB)

recension by prof. bürdek
i am proud that prof. bürdek wrote a very positive recension on vısuos™ in "i-com - journal for interactive & cooperative media"!
read the recension

article in acm "ubiquity"
article on vısuos™ published in ACM's "ubiquity - the magazine devoted to the future of computing and the people who are creating it."

featured by sap design guild
thanks for featuring vısuos™ in the books & the visualization sections!

„One of the most exciting
design innovations
in knowledge management.” |

prof. dr. joachim hasebrook
int. association of applied psychology |

„Absolutely [...] a significant
building block.” |

prof. bernhard e. bürdek
hfg offenbach/ main, design theory |

„A great deal of background understanding and creative design.” |

prof. dr. terry winograd
stanford university, california, hci |

„...groundbreaking [...]
on the field
of information visualization.” |

ulrike grünewald
hfg_of main, chief editor |
more statements